Photographs of Sydney
If you are interested in purchasing a mounted photograph, feel free to contact the artist ...
Pain Killers
Painkillers kill pain So I’m taking the strong stuff
It's nearing that mushy time of year again where our better halves expect us men to be charming, sensitive and romantic...
On 12 July 1904 Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, was inconspicuously born in the small Chilean town of Parral ...
1. Adam Vinatieri has ice in his veins. 2. There’s something incredibly wrong...
My decision to feeds the ducks at a nearby park was not motivated by crippling loneliness or the early onset of senility. I even brought along several friends to make certain of both.
The Associated Press reported on January 28th that at least twice in recent months the U.S Army in Iraq has seized and jailed...
Well- If you ask me...