While at the time of publication it has become increasingly apparent that, pending any catastrophic revelations, Barack Obama will be the Democratic Party’s nominee...
In theory, democratic Athens implied power based upon majority support, and therefore an end to tyranny and dictatorial powers for the leaders of Athens...
This month The Cud visits with Bangor, Maine band River Bottom Funk –collectively Joshua Small on guitar, vocals and keys, Brad O’Brien on bass and vocals
And so it goes Your tale of fate..
Slowing climbing a flight of stairs with a bookcase and shelves pressing against my back, the weight of Atlas’ globe upon me I began to think. “Why do I need this stuff?” ...
Whenever Jewish assassins kill another Moslem — man, woman or child — the criminal Bush government, responsible for the deaths of hundreds...
Since 1789 democracy has appeared as a form of government in many nations. Democracy has had its own successes and failures, but at the end of the twentieth century...
I was in a shop last week looking for a sympathy card for my dad’s friend, whose wife had passed away...