Did the Holocaust really happen? This toxic question has been raised again of late, this time by an English bishop...
My, what a lovely white coast you wear! Thank you & ditto. Shall we proceed with the presentation of the machine?
I'm Brian. I'm an American, but don't hold that against me. Before I walked 2,200 miles to get here to Maine, I lived in Perth...
My parents connected our family computer to the Internet in the late fall of 1997. Lucky for me, my Father finally felt the pressure to stay connected...
As I look out my apartment window and see the early morning city, I can't help but fear the future. Usually, I am not so reserved about change...
It has been a while since I regurgitated some of the less foul thoughts that have been floating round my head of late...
I was happy outside The Devonport Milk and Soda Bar
It came to mind at the most unexpected of times. I was sitting in a beachside bar in La Boca, just outside of Trinidad...